- 2029 Hueneme Beach, California
- 2028 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2027 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2025 Vicksburg, MIssissippi
- 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2023 Williamsburg, Virginia
- 2022 Fayetteville, Georgia
- 2021 Mobile Conference
- 2020 Dallas Conference
- 2019 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2018 Kansas City, Missouri
- 2017 Suffolk, Virginia
- 2016 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2015 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
- 2013 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2012 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2011 Courtland Virginia
- 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2009 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2008 Salado Texas
- Pictures Salado, TX 2008
2017 Annual Meeting - Suffolk, Virginia 
June 23-25th 2017
We will be meeting in
Suffolk, Virginia at the Hampton Innfor
2017. At these annual meetings JVFOA members and the community are educated in classes on family genealogy, family research and DNA testing. Members receive the JVFOA quarterly newsletters as their main source of sharing information.
The next Annual Meeting will be held in Suffolk, Virginia, June 23-25, 2017 @ the Hampton Inn
June 23th -
Friday morning - free time to research at the local County Courthouse
1-3:30 PM Workshop - Free Software for finding your ancestors; Relative Finder, Family Search & Take a Name. presenter

Mr. Gailen Vick -
Hampton Inn1017 Centerbrooke Ln, Suffolk, VA 23434
3:30-5 PM Workshop - Next Generation of Vick History or a Volume II; By Robin & Dan Yaklin - Hampton Inn 1017 Centerbrooke Ln, Suffolk, VA 23434 - This presentation will interest the general public since the tools for developing and publishing will be highlighted; Family TreeMaker; Roots Magic database; gedcom file that will allow importing of the database into any genealogy program or website that accepts that format.
What may be of general interest is: the basis of a new volume is underway - We need content from everyone! EG: stories, especially the ones about their relatives' quilts or jams or how they farmed, etc. Copies of family bible genealogy front pages would be so helpful. Also letters and maps. Newspaper articles. Announcements of births, deaths and marriages. We will be researching the Civil War period when photography came into its own. Already I’ve found references to our soldiers. Perhaps someone has a picture.
Robin bio: writer, former journalist, 30+ year genealogist, keeper of her own Stewart and Turrella trees, researcher for the Vick family and organizer of the second volume and great-granddaughter of Susan Tabitha Vick and great-great-granddaughter of Henry S Vick - Dan bio: stock trader, former Texas Instruments senior design engineer, 30+ year genealogist, keeper of the Yaklin family tree and member of the Vick family by marriage

5:30 PM Annual dinner -Hampton Inn -
6:00 PM Keynote Speakers: - KT Vick & along with his cousins Frank Vick & Barbara Tierney subject: Colonization of Vicks in Virginia (historical perspective of Joseph's Virginia and our family's presence in the Commonwealth, as seen through the lens of social history) Have you ever wondered what life was like for our Vick ancestors, living in Colonial Virginia? Life was challenging and each day posed many obstacles that we contemporary Americans may take for granted. From those first days when Joseph Vick of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County arrived to seek his fortune and fame in the New World, until the colonization of Virginia finally gained a stronghold, there are many stories to share and opportunities to learn how our ancestors lived and prospered. Please join cousins K.T. Vick, II, Frank Vick, Barbara Tierney in a keynote presentation on the Colonization of the Vick family of Virginia and a social retrospective of colonial life for our ancestors. Our cousins will share historical observations of what it was like to live during the 17th and 18th centuries in colonial Virginia by dressing in period clothing and to present [their] topic through dialog, music, and art... This presentation will also describe the local histories and folklore of the birthplace of many Virginia Vicks. These cousins will facilitate a discussion to provide you with opportunities to share your research of your ancestors.
June 24th
7- 9 AM Breakfast Hampton Inn
9 AM Annual Board Meeting Hampton Inn
10 AM Annual Meeting & Board Elections Hampton Inn
12 Noon - Lunch Hampton Inn
1 PM Speaker: Hampton Inn DNA Research, Presentation by Larry Vick; A discussion on our match with ABLETT & KT Vick family lines. Detail information on the YFull for our ABLETT match. Explanation on the facts that the Ablett's only had 12 of the 14 changes Joseph1 had. Larry will give background information in the presentation about the Y chromosome that will help all in the attendees understand what we have learned and will learn.
Larry is the treasurer-registrar of the Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County and the Society’s past librarian. He is a director of the Joseph Vick Family of America and is the Association’s newsletter editor. Additionally, Larry is the administrator of the VICK and Allied Families DNA Project, and one of six 23andMe Ancestry Ambassadors.
4:30 PM Dinner/Silent Auction
5:30 PM Speaker Hampton Inn: Bruce Turner was born in Southampton County, VA in the town of Drewyville. Both his mother and father were born, raised, and educated in Southampton County as well. Bruce spent most of his childhood living in Southampton County whereby he received an abundance of information on the Nat Turner legend from Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. The history and background of Nat Turner from the prospective of Bruce L. Turner (Great-great-great grandson of Nat Turner) lecturer and oral historian. “The fact that a person comes to hear me speak means they have some interest in the topic,” Turner said. “My satisfaction comes from talking about who my grandfather was, as a man. Only three days of Nat Turner’s life were involved in the insurrection. He was extremely intelligent. He was a preacher. He had a family. He had deep convictions.”
6:00 PM Speaker Hampton Inn: John V. Quarstein is an award-winning historian, preservationist, and author. He is the director of the USS Monitor Center at The Mariners’ Museum and Park in Newport News, Virginia. The author of 15 books, his titles include A HISTORY OF IRONCLADS: THE POWER OF IRON OVER WOOD; CSS VIRGINIA: SINK BEFORE SURRENDER; and THE MONITOR BOYS: THE CREW OF THE UNION’S FIRST IRONCLAD, winner of the 2012 Henry Adams Prize for excellence in historical literature. Quarstein has also produced, narrated and written several PBS documentaries including the film series, CIVIL WAR IN HAMPTON ROADS, a Silver Telly Award winner. Mr. Quarstein will present the history and impact the Nat Turner Insurrection had on the Vick Family that lived in Virginia in the early 1800's. August 21 marks the 186 anniversary of the beginning of Nat Turner's Rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia.. This slave insurrection was the largest in American history and resulted in almost 300 deaths. John V. Quarstein will deliver a lecture about the causes, events and impacts of Nat Turner's Rebellion.
June 25th
8 AM Sunday Sunrise Flag Ceremony to recognize our veterans Hampton Inn
1 PM Oh, there is only one more event that could be included to complete this powerful week-end; a great Southern Potluck Dinner gathering of family. Lori has it scheduled on Sunday afternoon with Joe S. Vick and his extended family at their church!!!!!
- 1-3:30 PM Workshop - Free Software for finding your ancestors; Relative Finder, Family Search & Take a Name. presenter 206.jpgMr. Gailen Vick - Hampton Inn 1017 Centerbrooke Ln, Suffolk, VA
- 3:30-5 PM Workshop - Next Generation of Vick History or a Volume II; By Robin & Dan Yaklin - Hampton Inn 1017 Centerbrooke Ln, Suffolk, VA 23434 - This presentation will interest the general public since the tools for developing and publishing will be highlighted; Family TreeMaker; Roots Magic database; gedcom file that will allow importing of the database into any genealogy program or website that accepts that format. What may be of general interest is: the basis of a new volume is underway - We need content from everyone! EG: stories, especially the ones about their relatives' quilts or jams or how they farmed, etc. Copies of family bible genealogy front pages would be so helpful. Also letters and maps. Newspaper articles. Announcements of births, deaths and marriages. We will be researching the Civil War period when photography came into its own. Already I’ve found references to our soldiers. Perhaps someone has a picture. Robin bio: writer, former journalist, 30+ year genealogist, keeper of her own Stewart and Turrella trees, researcher for the Vick family and organizer of the second volume and great-granddaughter of Susan Tabitha Vick and great-great-granddaughter of Henry S Vick - Dan bio: stock trader, former Texas Instruments senior design engineer, 30+ year genealogist, keeper of the Yaklin family tree and member of the Vick family by marriage robin-2008.jpgk
- 5:30 pm Annual dinner
- 6 PM Presentation -Hampton Inn - Speakers: - KT Vick & along with his cousins Frank Vick & Barbara Tierney subject: Colonization of Vick's in Virginia (historical perspective of Joseph's Virginia and our family's presence in the Commonwealth, as seen through the lens of social history) Have you ever wondered what life was like for our Vick ancestors, living in Colonial Virginia? Life was challenging and each day posed many obstacles that we contemporary Americans may take for granted. From those first days when Joseph Vick of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County arrived to seek his fortune and fame in the New World, until the colonization of Virginia finally gained a stronghold, there are many stories to share and opportunities to learn how our ancestors lived and prospered. Please join cousins K.T. Vick, II, Frank Vick, Barbara Tierney in a keynote presentation on the Colonization of the Vick family of Virginia and a social retrospective of colonial life for our ancestors. Our cousins will share historical observations of what it was like to live during the 17th and 18th centuries in colonial Virginia by dressing in period clothing and to present [their] topic through dialog, music, and art.. This presentation will also describe the local histories and folklore of the birthplace of many Virginia Vicks. These cousins will facilitate a discussion to provide you with opportunities to share your research of your ancestors.
Saturday - June 24th
- 7- 9 AM Breakfast
- 9 AM Annual Board Meeting
- 10 AM Annual Meeting & Board Elections
- 11 AM Board Meeting to Elect Officers
- 12 Noon Buffet lunch/Silent Auction
- 1 PM DNA Research,Hampton Inn Presentation by Larry Vick; A discussion on our match with ABLETT & KT Vick family lines. Detail information on the YFull for our ABLETT match. Explanation on the facts that the Ablett's only had 12 of the 14 changes Joseph1 had. Larry will give background information in the presentation about the Y chromosome that will help all in the attendees understand what we have learned and will learn.
- 4:30 pm Dinner/Silent Auction
- 5:30 PM Speaker: Hampton Inn Bruce Turner was born in Southampton County, VA in the town of Drewyville. Both his mother and father were born, raised, and educated in Southampton County as well. Bruce spent most of his childhood living in Southampton County whereby he received an abundance of information on the Nat Turner legend from Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. The history and background of Nat Turner from the prospective of Bruce L. Turner (Great-great-great grandson of Nat Turner) lecturer and oral historian. “The fact that a person comes to hear me speak means they have some interest in the topic,” Turner said. “My satisfaction comes from talking about who my grandfather was, as a man. Only three days of Nat Turner’s life were involved in the insurrection. He was extremely intelligent. He was a preacher. He had a family. He had deep convictions.”
- Sunday – June 25th
6:00 PM Speaker: Hampton Inn John V. Quarstein is an award-winning historian, preservationist, and author. He is the director of the USS Monitor Center at The Mariners’ Museum and Park in Newport News, Virginia. The author of 15 books, his titles include A HISTORY OF IRONCLADS: THE POWER OF IRON OVER WOOD; CSS VIRGINIA: SINK BEFORE SURRENDER; and THE MONITOR BOYS: THE CREW OF THE UNION’S FIRST IRONCLAD, winner of the 2012 Henry Adams Prize for excellence in historical literature. Quarstein has also produced, narrated and written several PBS documentaries including the film series, CIVIL WAR IN HAMPTON ROADS, a Silver Telly Award winner. Mr. Quarstein will present the history and impact the Nat Turner Insurrection had on the Vick Family that lived in Virginia in the early 1800's. August 21 marks the 186 anniversary of the beginning of Nat Turner's Rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia.. This slave insurrection was the largest in American history and resulted in almost 300 deaths. John V. Quarstein will deliver a lecture about the causes, events and impacts of Nat Turner's Rebellion.
- Sunday Sunrise Flag Ceremony to recognize our Veterans
- 11 AM Family Networking Sunday Services (attend you local Church)
- 1 PM Oh, there is only one more event that could be included to complete this powerful week-end; a great Southern Potluck Dinner gathering of family. Lori has it scheduled on Sunday afternoon with Joe Vick and his extended family at their church!!!!!
Event Coordinator; Lori Vick Millsap and Joe Vick