Presidents of the JVFOA
1972 - Present
1972 - 1975 - Hugh Montieth Vick (son of Sam Vick, Chairman of the 1975 Vick Reunion):
Listed as President in an article dated 7-6-72 on the 1972 Vick Reunion.Listed as President at the 300th Anniversary of the Joseph Vick Family of America, July 5, 1975 in Sardis, Mississippi. (with Elsie V. Barnes as Vice-President and Norman W. Shinabarger as Secretary)1975 - Sam Vick, Chairman of the 1975 Vick Reunion in John Kyle State Park Lodge at Sardis Lake, Panola County, Mississippi
JVFOA Newletter October 2016 article for 1975 Invitation july 1996 JVFOA newsletter (news pape rarticle from Batesville, Mississippi)? - 1985: Leroy Vick
1988-90: Sam Vick, Sr. is listed as President Emeritus, 10 June, 1998-90
1985 - 1993: Mary Jo McCary;
July, 1990 JVFOA Newsletter Page 15July, 1991, JVFOA Newsletter Page 11According to the Jan. 1993 Newsletter Vol. IX, No. 1, Mary Jo McCary had served as President since 1985, but was forced to curtail her duties because of health issues.)Emeritus President - 9 July, 19931993-94 - Gailen Vick
9 July, 1993
1994-95 - O. Richard Wright
11 June, 1994
1995-96 - Mildred Vick Sessions
24 June, 19951996-97 - Betty Vick Hoover
14 June, 19961997-99 - Mary Vick Graves
19 June, 1998 (Board meeting canceled for lack of quorum and the officers were retained for another year)
1999-2000 - Shirley Lee Vick, Jr.
17 July, 1999
2000-2002: Jerry Thomas Vick
22 July, 2000 (no annual meeting in June 2001)
2002 - 2007: Robert Allen Vick III
JVFOA Newsletter Volume XVIII, No. 3 (no annual meeting in June 2004)2007 - 2008: Joseph Jurlina
JVFOA Newsletter Volume XX, No. 1
2008 - 2012: John Edward Vick
21 June, 2008 - JVFOA Reunion in Salado, TX
2012 March to June: Shirley Anne Vick
March 26, 2012 John Edward Vick Resigns as President and Shirley steps in as interim President
2012 - Present: Gailen Vick
June 23, 2012 Elected President at the Annual Board meeting in Paducah/Vicksburg, Kentucky