The Conference was held at The Colonial Williamsburg Conference Center
Event Coordinator was Gailen Vick, with the Host being Joe Vick since this is his home town.
Video recordings of the meeting sessions are available through the following links:
Welcome to Williamsburg -- Gailen Vick
Interpreting Early Handwriting -- Charles Mays
Writing the New Vick Book -- John D. Beatty, CG
Using Y-DNA to Trace Lines of Joseph Vick -- James Larry Vick
Vicks in Colonial Virginia-A Social Retrospective -- Dr. KT Vick
John Vick Descendants in Texas -- Michael Mayfield Vick
The Nat Turner Insurrection -- Bruce Turner
A Temporal Perspective on Black America -- Professor Ted Shaw
Some Strange and Unusual Events in Our Vick Family's Past -- John D. Beatty, CG
Friday, June 23
1:00 PM

Welcome JVFOA President - Solutions & Apps. Connect with relatives that are working on the same family lines. Gailen10, Sidney Calvin9, John Shadrack8, Arthur Robert7, Shadrack Rivers6, Arthur5, Shadrach4, Athur3, Richard2, Joseph1.
2:00 PM
Presentation by Charles Mays - a family historian will demonstrate the process of reading of various handwriting, especially "secretary hand" that predates 1752.
1971 graduate of Brigham Young University with a Bachelor's Degree in Genealogical Research. Specialty in the southeast United States and Great Britain. Charles has lectured at genealogical and historical societies, including the Virginia Historical Society. He has served as a volunteer for for over 50 years with 34,000 direct line ancestors identified in his personal tree.
3:00 PM

Author John D. Beatty Book Signing
3:30 PM

John D. Beatty "What drove me to writing a new book to replace the original 2003 Volume Vick book”, a reference librarian in The Genealogy Center. He is a Board-certified genealogist, an author of sixteen books on local and family history, he served as principal editor for volume one of a two-volume History of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. He has conducted original research on families from colonial New England, Pennsylvania, Maryland & Virginia. He serves as archivist for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana.
5:30 PM

Larry is the treasurer-registrar of the Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County and the Society’s past librarian. He is a director of the Joseph Vick Family of America. Additionally, Larry is the administrator of the VICK and Allied Families DNA Project, and was one of six 23andMe Ancestry Ambassadors.
6:45 PM
Dinner will be served, Dinner reservation Donation $45 per meal
7:30 PM

Dr. KT Vick subject: Colonization of Vicks in Virginia (historical perspective of Joseph's Virginia and our family's presence in the Commonwealth, as seen through the lens of social history) Have you ever wondered what life was like for our Vick ancestors, living in Colonial Virginia? Life was challenging and each day posed many obstacles that we contemporary Americans may take for granted. From those first days when Joseph Vick of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County arrived to seek his fortune and fame in the New World, until the colonization of Virginia finally gained a stronghold, there are many stories to share and opportunities to learn how our ancestors lived and prospered.
Saturday, June 24
8:30 AM

10:30 AM

Presentation by Michael Mayfield Vick - Subject; Take care of your ancestors from birth to burial. Hear what you can do to locate cemeteries and provide markers. With newly discovered letters, pictures and documents resulting in a Vick gravestone 160 years past due.
Michael has lived in Texas all his life. Univ. of Texas grad with 2 degrees & a Certified Public Account certificate. His career was spent in management consulting & as a Real Estate Developer. Michael is a real history buff & enjoys both Texas and Family history. He has the distinguished pleasure of knowing that his family attended the 1st Joseph Vick Family Reunion in Mississippi that was organized by Sam Vick in 1972. Michael's father, brother & Sister attended and returned home to tell the amazing stories of the Vick Family. Michael was one of the early participants in the Vick DNA Project. Retired, Michael & Gretchen his wife enjoy time with family.
11:30 AM
12:45 PM

Dinner will be served,
Dinner reservation Donation $45 per meal
Author John D. Beatty book Signing
2:00 PM
Speaker: Bruce Turner was born in Southampton County, VA in the town of Drewyville. Both his mother and father were born, raised, and educated in Southampton County as well. Bruce spent most of his childhood living in Southampton County whereby he received an abundance of information on the Nat Turner legend from Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. The history and background of Nat Turner from the prospective of Bruce L. Turner (Great-great-great grandson of Nat Turner) lecturer and oral historian. “The fact that a person comes to hear me speak means they have some interest in the topic,” Turner said. “My satisfaction comes from talking about who my grandfather was, as a man. Only three days of Nat Turner’s life were involved in the insurrection. He was extremely intelligent. He was a preacher. He had a family. He had deep convictions.”
3:30 PM

Presentation by Ted Shaw; I am a descendant of one of Joseph Vick ‘s sons and an unidentified enslaved woman. I did not know what to make of this discovery. I recalled that Malcolm X said, “I hate every drop of white blood in me because it is the blood of a rapist”. Yet, when told that a member of the Vick family wanted to talk with me, I agreed to do so. The conversation started awkwardly. I acknowledged the obvious: No one alive today is responsible for what their ancestors did. We are only responsible for what we do or do not do in our time. While I was intrigued to learn about the Joseph Vick Family of America and my connection to it, I was not ready to embrace or be embraced by it, or to attend its reunions. The Vicks, however, would not let me get away.
5:30 PM

John D. Beatty "Tips for Writing a Genealogy, How I used the methodology I did for creating the book & some Funny, Strange, and Unusual Stories in the Early History of the Vick Family”, a reference librarian in The Genealogy Center. He is a Board-certified genealogist, an author of sixteen books on local and family history, he served as principal editor for volume one of a two-volume History of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. He has conducted original research on families from colonial New England, Pennsylvania, Maryland & Virginia. He serves as archivist for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana.
Sunday, June 25
Bruton Parish Episcopal - 201 W. Duke of Gloucester Street
St. Bede Catholic - 520 Richmond Road
Williamsburg Baptist - 227 Richmond Road
Williamsburg Presbyterian - 215 Richmond Road
St. Stephen Lutheran - 612 Jamestown Road
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - 2017 Newman Road
Rooms have been blocked for the Conference and can be reserved by calling the hotel directly
105 Visitor Center Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(800) 261-9530 M-F 9AM-5PM - Reserve your room at The Woodlands Hotel here:
$199/night rate available ONLY by booking under "Joseph Vick Family Annual Conference" or by using the link shown above
Reservations must be made by May 23, 2023
Woodlands Hotel is a Colonial Williamsburg Property
Room Rates Include: Free Parking, Continental Breakfast, Free Shuttle to Colonial area every 15 minutes
Two Free Passes to Colonial Williamsburg for length of stay
The conference sessions will be held in the Azalea Room, at the conference center located next to the Williamsburg Woodlands Hotel.
Other nearby Hotels
La Quinta (approximately $120/night) - 600 Bypass Road - (757) 220-2800 -- Best Western (approximately $150/night), 201 Bypass Road, (757) 220-0880 -- Super 8 ($80-$100), Red Roof ($80-$100), Baymont ($80-$100)
3 Airports Serve Southeastern Virginia
Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport [PHP] - 900 Bland Blvd, Newport News, VA 23602
Norfolk International Airport [ORF] - 2200 Norview Ave, Norfolk, VA 23518
Richmond International Airport [RIC] - 1 Richard E Byrd Terminal Dr, Richmond, VA 23250